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Game Name : Steambot Chronicles
System : Playstation 2
Date Added : 2006-07-09 14:20:16
Views : 24294

Unlock Boomerang Arm (Unique)
At Skylark Farms East, there is a river that empties into a low cave. Enter with your trot vehicle to get to Garland Outskirts East. If you enter that map by the river cave, you find a chest with the Boomerang Arm (same one as Ginger's).

Time For Bed
You may find a cheap bed during your travels or buy a bed (any type) from furniture stores. Having at least one bed in the inventory will let your character rest at any mechanic station to pass the time of day. This comes in handy to get victory medals in the arena.

Unlock Bicycle
Go to Fort Raven and dismount your Trot. There is a man near the entrance (walk there) who talks about the evils of trot machines. Agree or remain neutral and he will let you try out his new invention, the bicycle. After you finish the game or use the bicycle several times, return to him and make your argument. You can keep the bicycle if you agree or remain neutral. You can also simply not talk to the inventor again to keep your bicycle.

Unlock Billiards
Unlock the billiards option by playing or practicing a full session of billiards in NefroNefroTown, Garland, or SimSim (Neuhafen Port).

Save Often
This is an old standby, but save often in Steambot since the game takes place in two "acts". The first act is when you are following the story behind Coriander, Dandelion, Mallow, and the Trot Band. During this act, you cannot go anywhere you want since you are still exploring the land. Some events occur where you get locked into a specific area or are stuck with the consequences of your answers. Save before talking to people, going through doors, or picking up items so you have a game to go back to in case you change your mind.

Unlock Throwing Arm (Unqiue)
Have a Normal Arm and a Steel Beam (commodity) in the inventory and head to the Killer Elephant Gang's base. Steel Beams are sold in Garland. Head to the GTW Company park point and speak to a big guy standing near a stack of beams. For the arm, speak to the first red gang member inside the base (he will be pointing at the giant trot next to another blue gang member) and he will offer to develop the Throwing Arm for 100 uroch.

Unlock Outfits in Album
Wear all the matching pieces of an outfit (e.g. cowboy hat, gloves, boots, etc.) to unlock it in the album.

Unlockable Six Wheel Legs
You can buy the basic parts at a city shop. Combine two three wheel frames for the six wheel frame.

Unlockable Whip Arm (Unique)
You will need to assemble the Spiked Ball Arm first (see hint on this page). Buy a bolt of Silk (commodity) at Neuhafen's warehouse #3. Combine the Silk and Spike Ball Arm with the Desert Hornet engineer at the Hornet base. The engineer is sitting next to the base's stores (level above the trot garage).

Unlock Deathmatch Mode
You must fight all of the 32 arena-style trot enemies.

Unlock 2 player Billiards
Practice or play a game of billiards in the game.

Coriander's Whereabouts
Upon completing the game, you have a task to find Coriander again. Although she's at Seagull Beach, she doesn't appear until you've followed the trail of clues:

Marjoram ... Garland City. Lobster Inn cone. He's in the food shop next to the Lobster Inn.

Fennel ... Garland City. Riverside Hotel cone. He's inside the ballroom of Station Hotel, which is across the street from the trot park.

Rosemary ... Eurydika. Coriander's mother is in the house where you last left her.

Doctor Nutmeg ... Vision Ranch. Speak to the doctor and fight his trot garage while there.

Basil, The Four-Eyed Loser ... Nefro-Nefro Town North of the station is a drain tunnel with Ginger (name only known if you start helping the theater).

Mrs. Echinacea ... Nefro-Nefro Town. Next door neighbor to Connie's old house.

After all these people are talked to (not necessarily in order), you find Coriander at Seagull Beach. Be sure to challenge Coriander on the beach, or you will regret not doing so.

Unlockable Drill Grill
You can buy the basic parts from various city trot shops. Have a Drill Arm and a Light Grill and develop it anywhere into the Drill Grill, which does damage during rams.

Unlock Trot Battle
Fight in five or more arena fights or achieve a D rank to unlock the Trot Battle mode on the title screen.

Unlockable Spike Ball Arm
You can buy the basic parts from most city trot shops, except the Ball & Chain arm, which is from the Killer Elephant Gang base. Combine the Ball & Chain Arm with a Claw Arm for the Spike Ball Arm.

News Pays
If you need a big influx of cash (legitimately), be sure to visit the Garland Newspaper office across the street from Lobster Inn. After each big story event -- defeating the Killer Elephants, escorting the caravan, winning the UTC, and fighting the Bloody Mantis Gang, speak with the reporter inside, then again with the editor. Once the game clears, speaking with the editor will net you a cool 50,000 uroch, which will state most normal desires in the game.

Unlock 2 player Battle Mode
Play enter and fight in an arena battle in the game.

Frame Develop Now
Develop new frames by having at least two frames to research. Some body frames are developable, as are the basic bird and human legs. Most back frames are upgradable if you have two or more of them (same type) except for the explosion frame.

Very few arm frames are combinable in this manner; the sole exception so far seems to be the Claw Arm and Ball & Chain Arm. You can buy the Claw Arm at the caravan assembly area near the desert. You can buy the Ball & Chain Arm from the Killer Elephant base.

Unlockable Excalibur Arm (Unique)
You must choose to not to join the Bloody Mantis Gang to get this part. After the game is completed, visit Dandelion's workshop and speak with the assistant. This unlocks the door on 3F that leads to Dandelion's bat cave, complete with trot Batmobile. Examine the trot for the Excalibur and an uncommon grill frame.

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